ERASMUS+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training

The project titled as “Maritime Health Trainings for Seafarers and Doctors (MariHEALTH)” brings innovative approach to health training program for seafarers and maritime doctors.
The project titled as “Maritime Health Trainings for Seafarers and Doctors – MariHEALTH” approved by Turkish National Agency (www.ua.gov.tr) and funded by European Commision under the framework of Erasmus+ Programme KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a Development of Innovation is coordinated by Maritime Faculty of Istanbul Technical University.
The project is coordinated by ITU, founded in 1773 as the Imperial School of Naval Engineering during Ottoman Empire, Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is now one of the leading state universities in Turkey with approximately 32,000 students. The Maritime Faculty was established in 1884 at Istanbul as a part of the Naval Academy. In 1992, it is re-established as a ‘Maritime Faculty’ of Istanbul Technical University. The departments in ITUMF are Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering Department and Marine Engineering Department. ITUMF is still one of the leading maritime education, training and research institute by utilizing Full-mission, Ship handling Simulator, training ships and many other simulators and labs at Turkey. Furthermore, ITUMF has international academic collaborations in its teaching and research activities.
Simulator Laboratory/Centre provides visual education to students and to the maritime sector in general by using several simulation models. ITUMF has a training, laboratory and research ships and a Maritime Safety at Sea Training Centre including swimming pool, fire training center and lifeboat station.
The members of consortium of this project are University of Strathclyde situated in Glasgow- United Kingdom, Constanta Maritime University located Constanta – Romania, General Directorate of Health for Border and Coastal Areas of Turkey, headquarter in Ankara, Turkey, UCTEA Chamber of Marine Engineers centered in Istanbul, Turkey, Orka Informatics established in Istanbul, Turkey and expanded to London, United Kingdom, and A.P.&A. Limited centered in Poland.